Upcoming LX570 Maintenance - Radiator & Associated Maintenance

April 12, 2023

While I am an automotive enthusiast, I am also particular about who touches my cars. In 99% of cases I perform all maintenance and add any/all modifications (lifts, differentials, engine swaps, etc.).

The LX570 (build on the Land Cruiser 200 Series chassis) is a damn-near bulletproof SUV, however like any car or truck there are maintenance items and (believe it or not) somewhat common issues that must be addressed in order to keep it on the road. My 2011 LX570 has 150,XXX miles on it currently. Here's what is currently being addressed:

Please note that not all items were required, but were good "since you're here" items to address. Access to the front of the 3UR-FE engine is extremely limited unless the fan, fan shroud, and radiator are removed. It is HIGHLY recommended to address these additional items to avoid having to pull items back out of the engine bay at a later time.

  1. Radiator - 16400-50384
    • The radiator on the earlier 200 series (both Land Cruiser and LX570) actually suffer from a design flaw in the radiator. Essentially, there is a hairline crack that develops next to the lip at the top of the radiator where the plastic is slightly thinner. While this may not look bad, the crack can grow immediately (especially during warm months when things are hot) and explode causing you to be stuck on the side of the road or potentially worse with blown engine components. The image below circles the issue on my LX:

    • Toyota addressed the issue and revised the part number around 2017/2018. I decided that since Toyota had updated the radiator (and others have already gone through with this installation) that I would stay with the OEM part rather than changing things up

  2. Coolant (5 gallons) - 00272SLLC2
    • Required
    • Make sure you use Toyota coolant or an alternative that is specifically for Toyotas (not just Asian vehicles)

  3. Radiator Hoses - 16571-38080 and 16572-38131
    • Make your own decisions, but I consider this a required item. Always replace your hoses if you're going through the effort of replacing the radiator (at least that's my philosophy)
    • Here is a picture of my upper radiator hose, which was starting to fail. Notice the fraying around the end of the hose 

  4. Oil Change (with filter) - 04152Y-ZZA4
    • If you are replacing the Fan Bracket Assembly (listed below), an oil drain is required. My next post will explain why)

  5. Thermostat - 16031-0S010
    • Not a required item
    • While I generally always recommend OEM parts (especially with Toyota), this is the second time that I have a formal complaint on the LX570 where Toyota for some stupid reason decided to use plastic instead of either steel or aluminum. As you'll see in the image below, the hose outlet on the thermostat housing is actually made out of plastic which is a TERRIBLE design. I would love either Toyota to revise the part (I'll gladly pay more money) or someone to provide an aftermarket solution

      • FYI, my first modification and #1 complaint on the LX570 is the crap use of plastic for the engine oil filter housing. For whatever reason, Toyota decided to use plastic where the fins break off and make it a royal PIA to remove. I HIGHLY recommend swapping that filter housing to the Toyota Venza (yes, I have a Venza part on my car) aluminum housing that does not have the same issue... Here's the part: 5620-31060

  6. Water Pump - 16100-09491
    • Not a required item
    • No signs of leaking or other issue, but figured with the 2UZ-FE (old Toyota V8) requiring it every 10 years or 90,000 miles and it being such a crucial component, I decided to go ahead and replace

  7. Fan Clutch - 16210-38071
    • Not a required item
    • For reference, I just had one fail on the 4Runner at 235,000 miles. While mine in the LX may have had some life left, I don't want this to be the reason I'm coming back into the engine bay

  8. Fan Bracket Assembly (Fluid Coupling) - 16380-0S010
    • Not a required item, however this pulley actually had some motion in it so good idea to replace
    • FYI, this is the worst part of the entire job. The video below illustrates why... I will provide an updated post that shows the resolution

  9. Tensioner & Idler Pulley - 16620-0S012 and 16603-38012 
    • Not a required item

  10. Engine & Cabin Air Filter - 17801-38030 and 87139-07010
    • I replace both air filters every other oil change (so 10,000 mile increments)
My next post (found here) will explore each of these items (some shorter than others) and provide applicable links, photos, and videos to help others going forward.


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